In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Real Media Products?
Our music video develops conventions of real media products in many ways. Firstly how our artist looked totally met the conventions of an RnB artist as we kind of copied the style of Neyo, who is one of the current top RnB artists. When we were looking at artist form the RnB genre, we saw that they usually wear very casual clothes like jeans, shirt, jumpers etc and now there is this new trend of wearing hats or caps. When we were looking at current RnB videos on thing we realised is that most of them have the lyrics and they visual linked together, usually they do what they say. For example in Chris Brown’s “Forever” there’s this one part where he says “I won’t let you fall girl” and you see a lady falling from a building and he’s trying to save her, similarly what we did was, in our music video there’s this one part where the lyrics is “I jumped back for a minute to fix my face” and you see the person in a toilet looking at the mirror fixing themselves. This is also part of Andrew Goodwin’s music video theory in which he said to make a perfect music video there needs to be a link between the lyrics and visuals. He also said that, every video must have voyeurism but we challenged this form as we didn’t really use much of this in our music video and this was mainly because adding voyeurism crates some much controversy in the public which can lead to the video being banned from TV. There have been so many issues like this for example Nadine Coyle’s debut video was banned by MTV because they say it had too much voyeurism. Another reason why we didn’t use too much voyeurism is because it was really hard to find anyone comfortable to do anything of that sort. Although we did use some voyeurism such as flicking the hair, dance moves so that there was some element of voyeurism in our video.
How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product And Ancillary Texts?
The combination of our music video and ancillary texts has been very effective as the all linked together well. In our magazine advert we took got a picture of our actor wearing what we wore in the climax scene in our music video, we took this picture near canary wharf so that you can see the city behind him because the city is the location where most of our music video is shot in and by having him wear what he wore in the actually music video will help the audience instantly know which song is being promoted. We even added a small picture of our CD digipak at the bottom corner so that our audience what the album looks like when they do to buy it. Our CD digipak has pictures of him wearing all the different clothes her wears throughout the video, creating a link between the two products. We go this idea from Rihanna’s music videos. Just recently she dyed her hair to this pink colour so she had to have a new album with her new look on it, in order for the audience to link her current music videos with her album. To link the ancillary texts together what we did was, we used the same font style and used similar if not the same colour scheme.
What have you learned from the audience feedback?
The audience feedback as helped us a lot during the making of this video and we also learnt a lot from them. From the very beginning process of the project we had the audience on our minds which is why as soon as we selected our song, we made our classmates listen to the song and asked them what they thought of our music choice and what images came into their head as they heard it. By doing this we found out how people have different ideas and thoughts and listening to these feedbacks it inspired us to make our final video. We tried to meet every feedback given to us but some were kind of impossible like this person told us they thought the main location of our music video is a night club. Most people said that they thought our artist should look a bit like, “Craig David, Usher” but most of all it should be a person who’s young and black. RnB artist are mainly young and black so we made sure the person we choose to star in our music video is also young black. Due to audience’s feedback we completely changed our CD digipak. At first our digipak looked like this *picture of digipak* we showed this to the audience via “Facebook” and people said they thought it’s too blue and they suggested using different colours, as blue made it look like an album cover of a Pop genre.
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
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