Monday, 14 February 2011

Audience Response

Audience Reaction To Video

We showed our Final Music Video, to the other media class and filmed their reactions as they were watching it. At some points you can hear them saying “ah” as they are amazed by the creative transitions making the girl vanish and the laughter is mainly because they artist/actor, Michael, is a student in our college and they most probably didn’t expect to see him on the video.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Final Music Video, Low Quality

After showing the music video to family members, we decided to change some sections around. For example we took out a section in the dance scene because many of them thought we had too many of the similar type of shot. As a result we added a close up of the actors walking away from each other.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Music Video, Low Quality (1st Draft)

This is the low quality version of our music video, which is why some of the transition, effect etc might now be clearly seen

Friday, 11 February 2011

Shooting 11/02/2011

Today we have filmed our final scene that we had left, which was the dance outside at night. Due to the fact that we did have lighting props with us what we had to do is find a location which was well lit already. We did the dance near the fountains in Jubilee Place. This location was perfect as it was well lit and not many people where around. At one point during the shooting local police officers came and stopped us from recording, asking us for ID, luckily as it was Friday, we had our college passes with us and we explained that we were A-Level media students, to which they allowed us to proceed with the filming.

Costumes- Final Dance

When deciding for the costume, for the final dance scene, we told our artist to preferably wear a suit or tuxedo, as we wanted our audience to see intertextual references with the way 'Ne-yo' (proffessional music artist) is usually dressed in his music videos. We also told the female actor in our music video to preferably wear a dress, however on the day we realised that the dress did not suit the image that Michael was representing. Therefore, we quickly got her changed into a more elegant dress and jewellry before going out to the shoot.
<--- First Dress <--- Second Dress Th costumes matched, and looked much better together after the change of dress.